Bulk SMS Delivery from Nexbridge

SMS provides a great opportunity for you to target customers who will use your products and services. Using NexSMS – our simple interface – you are able to create Bulk SMS messages and personalise them accordingly.

NexSMS Bulk SMS Delivery accounts are set up to run on a pre-paid basis. Once the account has been credited, the balance on your account is decrimented as SMS messages are sent. This can be managed easily via the online interface, which enables you to keep a close eye on your spend per campaign.

Broadcast SMS Messages Instantly

Our SMS service provides the ability to broadcast messages to both your potential new, and existing client bases, in an efficient and professional manner.

The service enables you to deliver bulk messages via your own personal account, as well as individual messages via our API. Bulk files are easily uploaded from your account interface. The API can also be integrated to enable live single number messaging services.

“We only charge on a per delivered message basis. If an SMS message can not be delivered within 48 hours of being sent, your account is automatically credited for the undelivered message.”

NexSMS is ideal for customers who are looking to contact their client base quickly and effectively, without any time consuming or costly investment. Once your account is set up, campaigns can be run without delay and at the touch of a button.

We also provide access to online statistics. Review average spend, check on how many SMS messages have been dispatched, delivered and how many have failed or are pending, along with information about subsequent networks these messages have been sent to.

We only charge on a per delivered message basis. If an SMS message can not be delivered within 48 hours of being sent, your account is automatically credited for the undelivered message.

Get Started

Go to our NexSMS website to set up your Bulk SMS Delivery account today!

NexSMS Website