So What Exactly Is Unified Communications?
Technology terms and definitions can be notoriously confusing, convoluted, and difficult to truly understand for the average person. This is definitely true for the term unified communications. Search the internet for the term unified communications, and you will discover that there are many different definitions that are radically different. Unified communications is a term that is difficult to define, but in practice in encompasses the principle of bringing different technologies together on one device or system.
Most organisations will use several different types of technology to communicate on a day to day basis in the normal course of business. For example, it would be difficult to think of an organisation that doesn’t use email, land line telephones, mobile telephones, fax, and an instant messaging service throughout the course of daily operations. It is bringing these different technologies together that makes them unified. A good example of Unified Communications would be the emergence of smart phone technology, and in particular the iPhone. By using applications, it is possible to send and receive instant messages, make calls and receive voicemails, access web based applications via a web browser, and send faxes via email. Many solutions available on one device.
There are clear advantages and disadvantages of using Unified Communications for your business. Some of which are explored below:
Business cost savings
The implementation of Unified Communications allows for the consolidation of equipment and services. As a result, there is less expenditure required for individual products or services for each member of staff, and as a result the business is able to save money.
Make your business mobile
Making your business mobile, isn’t necessarily about being able to work whilst out of the office, but also about how you are able to stay connected when you are away from your desk or working remotely from home. Mobile technologies have significantly contributed to the advancement of Unified Communication, which is a significant advantage to businesses as their employees are able to stay connected wherever they are.
Business efficiency improvements
Unified Communications negates the requirement of using several different pieces of equipment and logging into several different systems, by having everything in one place. When you add to that the emergence of mobile smart phones that allow staff to utilise unified communications remotely, the outcome is a more efficient and productive workforce.
Overall, Unified Communications would benefit most organisations by giving them a more coherent and productive workforce, and saving them money at the same time.